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How does MRI operate, and what should you expect?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one form of imaging modality used by physicians to look inside the human body to obtain clinically useful diagnostic information. Incorporating an advanced technology, MRI produces images of the anatomy without the use of radiation required with other imaging modalities such as X-ray and CT scanning.

MRI is a non-invasive procedure with no known side or after effects. The procedure is painless. A faint knocking sound will be heard, which is simply the imaging process in operation. The procedure is used for all parts of the body and is effective in evaluating:

  • Brain disorders

  • Traumatic injuries

  • Eye abnormalities

  • Spine diseases

  • Tumor detection

  • Liver and other abdominal diseases

  • Knee and shoulder injuries

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

  • Facial/Neck abnormalities

  • Infection

  • Cardiac malformations

  • Blood flow and vessel disorders

MRI images are formed when signals, emitted by body tissue, are processed by software and turned into clinical images.

A typical procedure averages 30 minutes depending on the type of information required by your physician. You can help to make your images spectacular by simply relaxing and remaining as still as possible during the exam. In fact, some patients fall asleep during the MRI exam.


  1. The magnetic field is used to align hydrogen protons in the body

  2. Radio frequency waves are absorbed by the protons and then emitted as a signal

  3. A radio frequency coil picks up the signal and transmits it to the computer

  4. The computer processes the data and an image is generated


During your MRI examination, a technologist will be with you and will be able to see you at all times. For your convenience, an intercom system is built into the MRI imager so that if you need anything, the technologist will be right there.

In certain instances, a contrast agent may be administered to enhance the study. There are no extra precautions if your physician requires this type of study. Consult the physician or technologist if you have any questions.


How is the Vantage 1.5T different from other MRI machines?

This is the first high-field MRI to use advanced technology to remove most of the noise generated by an MRI. As a result, this creates the quietest environment for the patient.


Is there any weight limit for patients? 

Our Vantage MRI can accommodate most patients.


What do you have to do to prepare for the MRI?

No special preparation is required prior to the MRI exam. You may eat normally and go about your daily routine. Continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor unless otherwise directed.

Prior to entering the scan room for your exam, you will be asked to leave those items that are not compatible with a magnetic field in a safe place outside the scan room.

A list of some of these items is listed below:

  • Coins

  • Watches

  • Jewelry

  • Glasses

  • Credit Cards

  • Hearing Aides

  • Keys

  • Hair pins

  • Other metal objects

You may also be asked to remove make-up and dentures and to wear a hospital gown to avoid magnetic interference from belt buckles and zippers.

Check with your physician or MRI technologist if you have had any brain, ear, eye or other surgeries or any of the following:

  • Pacemaker

  • Neuro-stimulator (Tens-unit)

  • Metal implants

  • Aneurysm clips

  • Surgical staples

  • Implanted drug infusion device

  • Foreign metal objects in the eye

  • Shrapnel or bullet wounds

  • Permanent eyeliner

If you are pregnant, please notify the technologist or the radiologist.

Thank you for your interest in Fordham Radiology.  This location is no longer performing Radiologic studies. For questions, including billing or medical record inquiries, please email us at:



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T: (718) 367-8370

2430 Davidson Ave, 2nd Flr, Bronx, NY 10468, USA

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